5 Things To Do Before You Start A New Diet

If you prepare your mind and body for what is to come then it will be setting yourself for a lot of successful attempts to lose those unwanted pounds. This is a key factor that most dieters do not think about or consider the possibility. Just like an athlete preparing for the event, astronaut prepares for flight or musicians preparing for a concert - you need to prepare for a fight that is your diet. Preparation is the key factor for any successful enterprise.

So, here are tips that will lay the foundation for this life changing weight reduction plan.

1 Deleting cookies from these chips, cakes, pies, etc. and clean refrigerator!

freeze them, give them away, even through it is if you have - just them from their homes! You drive out all temptation. Bonding with your new diet will be a battle of the mind even more than the body. As the battle will be fought mainly in the head will break the diet more than a bit of thought. If you restrict certain foods, then why would you even be around you? Makes sense, right?

2 Approximately 2 weeks before starting a diet - to increase water intake


Add about 8 cups fresh water to your daily intake. Increased consumption of water will clean and rinse the hose and your cells and make sure it is working ispravno.Dobre hoses to ensure proper elimination and help with your weight loss. Watch for mood swings and constipation due to the new diet. If any one (or both) appear then you should increase your water intake even more.

3 Keep your head in the game.

Start a diet diary and write down your goals and schedule. Use visuals as the painting that you saw when you were in better shape and thin, or how it will look like winning a marathon. Also be sure to keep track of your statistics. Whether you're up or down, good or bad you will benefit from knowing where you are and what you need to adjust if necessary. Finally, after some notes at home with their goals listed on them, so you can be reminded constantly about where you're headed. (Be sure to include a fridge and all cupboards where food can be found .)

4 Reduce caffeine.

Caffeine puts a huge strain on all your body systems. Since you ask your body to concentrate on and go through the stress and rigors of dieting, give pause and ask to put up with too much caffeine. Try your hardest go without coffee, black tea and any kind of soda that is high in caffeine content. If you are suffering withdrawal you have to wean from caffeine to a level as low as possible.

5 Start with a lightweight & Easy exercise program.

You should start about a week or 2 before you start your diet and keep it tender. Do not start, and severe exercise regime at the same time that you start on your diet. Save joining a gym or start a new strenuous exercise routine. If you're already exercising then you should just continue what you are doing.

Now you are well prepared to lose the weight