Diet, Exercise and Cardiovascular Disease

Cardiovascular disease is the number one killer in the western world and is increasingly affecting people as they get older. Since it is our number one killer, she gets lots of attention in the media, and of our health usluga.Dobio wisdom is that we should all stop smoking, drink less, and avoid saturated fat. In the meantime, established cardiovascular disease, and they thought the risk of future cardiovascular disease, are put on drugs to modify their cholesterol levels and blood pressure. While the advice to stop smoking and drink less undoubtedly based on good evidence of other foundations of today's prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease are controversial.

What is cardiovascular disease?

Cardiovascular disease includes several different conditions and therefore there are a number of possible uzroka.Glavni cardiovascular conditions that can cause premature death are:
    atherosclerosis, perhaps most famously, when the arteries become blocked. This narrows the arteries and creates conditions in which the arteries become blocked in the end. If the coronary arteries, one of those that provide oxygen to the muscles around the heart, and then followed by a heart attack. If the carotid arteries, the arteries supplying oxygen to the brain, then a stroke occurs. Heart attack have a posh name, myocardial infarction. Mostly MYO stands for the muscle, cardio for heart attack and destruction of tissue due to lack of oxygen. Which neatly sums up what happens when a coronary artery is blocked. Aneurysms, which are ballooning blood vessels that occurs when blood vessels become too weak to cope with the local blood pressure. If the aneurysm bursts, then the bleeding occurs and the lack of blood and oxygen it carries to vital organs such as heart and brain can be fatal. In the UK, according to sources NHS incidence of death from a burst aneurysm is about 4-5% that is related to atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes. Around 9,500 per year compared to 162,000 a year. heart failure occurs when the muscle that makes the heart beat becomes ineffective. This is due to prior heart attack in about 2 of every 3 cases. It can also be caused by valve failure in 4% of cases, very high blood pressure, also 4%, alcohol and viruses, yet 4% slučajeva.Preostalih 20% have unknown causes. Using data from the United States, I estimate that between 40 to 50.000 people die from this every year in the UK. In other words, it is more common than aneurysm related death, but less common than death from heart attacks and strokes are a result of blocked arteries. Arrhythmias are heart rate to become irregular, fast or very slow, as a result of abnormal electrical activity in the heart. They are very common, but usually only fatal when it is before a serious event such as a heart attack has already occurred.
So, what causes cardiovascular disease? 

conditions are described as obviously true izbjegavanje.Glavne changes that occur in the body that causes problems beyond the narrowing of arteries, weakening blood vessels and heart muscle damage. Narrowing of the arteries due to atherosclerosis is the most important factor in all this, which causes almost all heart attacks, and about 85% of strokes (15% are caused by bleeding). What exactly are the causes of cardiovascular disease? Below I list, and then examine those factors that are known, and those who have strong evidence to support them.
    cholesterol, especially cholesterol carried in the blood low-density lipoprotein High blood pressure, especially by causing damage to the lining of blood vessels. In some salt-sensitive people, too much salt raises blood pressure. Dietary cholesterol intake from foods such as eggs and prawns. intake of saturated fats from foods like red meat and cheese. Taking damaged fats such as artificial trans fats. ratios and the total intake of polyunsaturated fats. blood sugar levels.
cholesterol are quite complex in its effects than most people realize. Although low levels of cholesterol associated with reduced incidence of heart attack they are also associated with an increased risk of death, with depression, cancer, stroke and atrial fibrillation. That would be us pause when considering the importance of lowering cholesterol levels in people with anything other than established cardiovascular disease. For most of us at a level that is classified as borderline high, such as between 200-240 dL / L (5.1 to 6.2 mmol / L) will probably be the optimal level. There is evidence that higher levels of protection against many types of strokes, particularly hemorrhagic stroke, where bleeding from blood vessels caused by smrt.Gore not be surprised if you take into account the role of cholesterol in the body. It is an integral part of all our cell membranes, and is a precursor for many of our hormones, including vitamin D, which is increasingly associated with a decreased risk of many serious diseases.
High blood pressure is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease. However, the risk of high blood pressure also depends on the quality of the blood vessels. Damage to blood vessels is normally repaired, and if you consume the right diet is likely that our vessels will be repaired faster.
Dietary cholesterol was the initial objective of the Government advice. However, it turns out that cholesterol in foods such as shrimp, liver and eggs do not raise blood cholesterol in most people, even if they do not be such a bad thing. In fact these high cholesterol foods are some of the most important in a healthy diet containing large amounts of important micronutrients such as vitamins A, D and E and minerals such as iron (liver), iodine (shrimp) and antioxidants (eggs and prawns) .
saturated fat has become more a villain in the government late in campaigns, but this is so bad? Saturated fats in our diet since we evolved into human beings, would not think our bodies learn to cope with it so far, and actually has a lot of evidence that suggests just to.Pregled in 2011 from 21 intervention studies conducted over the previous decade found no reduction in risk of death from cardio-vascular disease after an intervention to reduce or replace saturated fats with carbohydrates or polyunsaturated fats. Clearly, the typical foods that contain saturated fat does not burn for us than those that contain carbohydrates and polyunsaturated fats.
Damaged fats all came into focus during the last two decades. They are fats that are heated to very high temperatures in their production (or during cooking). When heated above about 160C, the molecules that are formed from the station changed formats in which the human body does not recognize. Foods such as margarine and most packaged products containing vegetable fats and contain damaged fats. They are clearly associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
Ratios of polyunsaturated fats for various other types of fat have been investigated quite a number of studies. Most show that polyunsaturated fats increase when the overall proportion of calories reduces the likelihood of cardiovascular disease. Without boring you with detail, it is probably due to the presence of omega 3 fatty acids like those found in oily fish. Omega 3 fatty acids have a powerful effect on the risk of cardiovascular disease and outperform statins in many studies.
blood sugar get a lot of attention in those with diabetes, but very few of those without this condition. Basically, if you wander around with your blood sugar levels are too high, the risk of cardiovascular disease is greatly increased. It is important to make sure your diet does not lead to chronically elevated blood sugar levels. For many this will mean a reduction in what is called the glycemic load of their diet. In a brief attempt to moderate intake of sugary drinks, cakes, sweets and puddings, as well as items that decomposition of starch into sugars before being absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. This includes bread, rice and potatoes.
What does this mean for my diet and lifestyle?
diet that lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease and damage caused by heart attacks and strokes that follow the general principles as follows:
    Reduce the amount of junk food they eat. This is a very general point, but the junk food usually has too much salt, sugar, additives and trans fats. All of these are cardiovascular diseases more often. Examples include foods from takeaway burger joints, ready meals from supermarkets and drink soda pop. Eat more fruits and vegetables separately. Again this is a great group of foods, but many fruits and vegetables contain nutrients that help protect and repair blood vessels from damage. Examples include tomatoes, which, when cooked to ensure a high dose of lycopene to suppress oxidative damage to blood vessels, cooked beets, which can release substances that relax blood vessels and plant Allium family, such as garlic, onions and leeks to prevent blood clotting and narrowing of the arteries. Try and incorporate some omega 3 fatty acids in your prehrani.Najučinkovitiji way to do this is through the oily fish such as mackerel, herring, trout, sardines, pilchards, kippers and tuna (not canned stuff). One problem with these fish is that they can accumulate high levels of toxic heavy metals and pesticides in fatty tissues. That is why pregnant women are sometimes advised to moderate their intake of them. One way to get round this by using fish oils that are processed to remove these contaminants. For vegetarians, omega-3 can be obtained from seaweed extracts. Flaxseed oil may also be effective in those with the ability to convert their omega-3 fats in more powerful form. When it comes to cholesterol and saturated fat I would not worry too much. If you come from good sources such as pasture fed cows, free range organic chickens then you will probably derive more benefit than harm them. As noted above evidence linking cholesterol and saturated fat intake from heart disease is not consistent, and distorted by the large pharmaceutical companies interested in funding studies that try to justify their link to the drug sales. did not exercise covered in this article, but regular daily exercise is very effective in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Any exercise will be useful if you gradually build on your current abilities. For some it may mean walking distance increased to increase the speed every day. Some resistance training is beneficial for those who are already on a basic standard of fitness. For those with existing cardiovascular disease should be taken into account, but it will be very useful when your body reacts to training without a crisis event. Consult a physician or other professional involved personally with your doctor if this is the case. For those who are already fit and wondering what is best for their cardiovascular health, then the general rule is to always build a fitness and recovery from hard sessions. Usually, what makes you a mechanic will also be good for you, if the training wear down it's good for your workout, or even health.